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Unwell enough to resort to pill popping, in desperation.
How did it get to 7pm?! Think I've been awake for a total of 2 hours today. Hope I can sleep tonight.
@drilbu Nooooo, Tiger loves his daddy!
@giagia There are plenty of natives who don't get Dad's Army, too.
Finding it simultaneously annoying/heartwarming that my cat is scratching furiously at the door because he wants to cuddle me when I'm ill.
Trying to get through man flu. Thank god for an understanding wife.
Gutted to be missing dinner with the old Londonist crew but stricken by lurgy. Already in bed, hoping to sleep it off.
iPlayer for Mac not very usable. Been clicking around trying to work out how to do things far too much. Trying Zattoo instead.
@drilbu Apple Store at Bluewater is happy to do HE discount (15% on MBP) with an NUS card, so would imagine other stores do the same.
@drilbu Glad it keeps you amused but it's beyond a joke now. :/
Resolving not to tweet about work any more. Should reduce negativity in my Twitter stream by 95%.
A young Che Guevara appears to be working as an Apple Genius at Bluewater.
Having the most amazing dinner courtesy of @jiamins. @juter is such a loser for not coming.
Ok, seriously worried about @cyberdees now, since he hasn't tweeted for almost three days.
@moonstruckmania My local police force has a website so you can see why they've been buzzing around. Usually it's very boring.
Daughter completely entranced by Bagpuss. If she keeps waking up at 5.30 I'm going to put a tv in her room with Bagpuss on loop.
Pondering obesity and trying to think of any fat Chinese people (apart from myself).
@cianw Are you liking the wrist action she showed while shaking the jam jar?
@cyberdees hasn't tweeted all day. Suspect bubonic plague has got him.


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