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I've been gorging on post-rock lately, grateful for eMusic crescendo-core dozen
Alex Ross picks on eMusic again
Bogged down in administrivia and clearing out inbox
Nice post on creating iPhone apps but Gruber thinks TB on Mac is not a "serious IMAP client in active development"
@msurman AFAICT current GrandCentral users can't do invites now, and I never got any in past. They're on eBay if you're feeling desperate
@chrisbachmann I think invites are closed, looking into this
@msurman I have a Grand Central account that's active, I'll see if there's a way to invite you
@JessieX Yes I did a general tweet re @hocoblogs, and will try to attend the 12/21 get-together
@JessieX following @hocoblogs for your #hocoacs donations program; you owe ACS $1
@mozpkim I sympathize. I've been spending 30 min trying to create a scan of a signed letter on actual letterhead - it's all so archaic
@mozpkim I sympathize, I've been spending a while to get a "sigmed
Within 2 min got two solicitations to give "the gift of change" (Obama and Ashoka) "Change" = calendar and postcards/magazine respectively
@CZ hi! (to your VZ colleagues?
@chrisbachmann At least the browser are polite and ask about this sort of thing
Why does 3.0 for Mac silently set itself as default app for Word documents -- when I have Word installed? Not kosher.
Installed 3.0 on Mac to read some documents -- looks surprisingly good at first glance
I'm burning a CD, for the first time in a long while; how very 20th century of me
@chrisbachmann I'll add my congratulations to those from @JessieX, here's wishing you great success at CAP
Reading Boyle's "The Public Domain" http://www.thepublicdomain.... on iPhone (as HTML). Oddly, it works better than reading on a laptop
After eMusic, $5 album specials just don't move me


Gen Kanai John Resig Micah Sifry Aaron Brazell Deb Richardson John Czwartacki Paul Kim Chris Bachmann Mike Shaver David Ascher Tristan Nitot John Menkart Joanmarie Jessie X Cherie Beck Christopher Blizzard Dave Witzel Eitan Isaacson Marco Zehe Brian King SteveALee jrochetti David Bolter Willie Walker MarsPhoenix Amazon MP3 janefinette dmose Ignite Baltimore RyanShenHoover jcook123 Kathryn Anderson Chris Leung Ken Saunders Mr Tweet msurman