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It's Always Sunny... is better when you realize it's a live-action cartoon -- the kind that resets the next episode with zero consequences
This recursive-Xzibit meme tickles me to no end.
I'm thankful that people stopped thinking that users wanted *complete* data experiences only on cell phones and nowhere else.
@arainert Yeah, but it won't fit in 140 characters. :)
Could someone *other* than IGN please post an Everyday Shooter PSP review. It doesn't even have a Metacritic page, for Pete's sake
And if you've got a newborn, then you just might find yourself.. ♫
Mason's "Exceeder" always makes me want to immediately drop whatever I'm doing and dance
Levi's giving me the gummy grin. Which, BTW, would be the worst name for a professional wrestling signature move ever.
Holy shit, just yesterday I was thinking how Pat Kiernan should become a news blogger and here we are:
Oops, I missed the checkbox that turns off the email notification of my Pownce migration. Sorry if I spammed ya. :( is offering a pretty complete Pownce migration tool:
@GarnettLee someone needs to remove the ".mov" from the filename
@GarnettLee 1UP Show podcast is broken. "is not a movie file." iTunes downloads the file over and over and over again.
@arainert Heh... I much prefer Cell Phone *Dancing*
See, it's finds like Johnson&Jonson that make being on eMusic worth it. Now if only uploads were enabled so I could blip them.
@ToddWalker Yeah exactly. There were a lot of ways to deal with it and I wish I had been more awake to come up with something then.
@ToddWalker It was more that the mattress didn't warm to him quick enough. If we were thinking, we could have solved that problem first. :|
Colleague just described hiding a link as "building a RealPlayer site." Awesome.
I understand the desire to conserve heat in these "economic times," but Levi's bassinet was uncomfortably cold all night. Pissed at bldg.


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