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blah. I think we caught a virus. not feeling so hot now.
out and about the town. parking is crazy around here.
at the dentist now. Yes, they do open on Saturday.
awww...Dwayne De Rosario traded to Toronto? :( Oh well, he does want to be closer to home. don't fault him for it
thinking about going to @coffeegroundz tonight after we finish ice skating at Discovery Green
reading NIS docs. Fun stuff
what's more annoying than homeless people walking up to you in on street asking for money? Charity for homeless walking up to you asking
getting an haircut
ahh..Friday. It's like mini-Christmas Eve to us adults. tee hee. Now if my immune system holds up
@billy_koch heh, what people? Those with ADD? :)
I must be the only person in the Universe who has read 2001 and not seen the movie.
hopefully the windows time service fix fixes the constant freezes
does "measure twice cut once" need to apply here? I suppose so if you're spending several billions of dollars
hehe.. RT @baldheretic The South, it's like Mordor, with a K-Mart
@dsilverman what about us 2,999 followers? Don't we get something too? :)
aw snow's gone? But it's cold! Nature: I know, but that's the way we roll. Didn't you take meteorology class in college? Me: Uh..physics
2 houirs and 60 bucks later I now have a new car battery. whooo
did see snow


Robert Scoble Grant W Laird Jr Chris Pirillo dwight silverman Louis Ricciardi Wil Wheaton imelda bettinger Jay Lee Tim O'Reilly Alexander Muse Bruce Wagner Eric Lawrin Kevin Cawley Jeff Atwood U.S. SOCCER Felicia Day richardbranson Guy Kawasaki digsby Gordon Vaughan David Lano maximumb4u Billy Koch Rob Mensching Brea Grant Neil Gaiman's Blog Jessica Dickerson coffeegroundz Jason M Bader mattpkelly long73 greggrunberg AmandaBuchner liamcasey DavidHLawrence XVII wpsASN