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I think I might throw up. You've shattered my dreams Apple.
@ScottBourne Umm.... does this persons name start with a B? Just kidding, thanks buddy.
Temp: ~5 deg. Campus length: .5 mi. Trips across campus in freezing ass cold weather: 5. Bryan: f'ing freezing.
After 2 hours of serious online searching, Emily and I found the perfect size snow tires for the new car. Thank you interwebs. You rock.
This is classic. Bush dodges two shoes, throw by a journalist in Iraq. --->
@nickdawson Looooooooooooking good!
Damn, its really coming down out there. 4 inches this morning alone! Gotta love Eastern Oregon.
45 minutes into my day, and I'm about to pull my hair out with stress. I need to book more time for my repairs. I'm trying to do too much.
Oh boy. What a day. After telling two prof's that their data was "gone" and them practically crying after the news, I'm ready to head home.
@ScottBourne Ohhhh, what lucky people to get that print. Any left? Great shot Scott. Very envious.
This cougar was spotted near where I live. Nuts! ---->
Linux is illegal? ---> <---- Newspapers are done for. Glad I left that field.
@schappim Not as of yet. I'm still learning about Magento, but it does feel a bit sluggish. Not sure if its me or them.
Working on a Magento site for a buddy. Magento rocks by the way.
@JamesLumb I was a RoR fan for a while... Then I needed to host it somewhere. Its great, but AppEngine is just so much easier. For me anyway <--- The. Storm. Sucks.
@JamesLumb I'm LOVING learning more Python, and AppEngine seems fine. Unless you need more advanced server stuff.
Playing with Python and AppEngine on my newest little website idea. I'll tell you more when its closer to being done.
@THErealDVORAK If you want some free web design done, I'll do it. I need a little project on the side. Let me know.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams Chris Wetherell veen Jason Calacanis lane Dan Cederholm Praveen Rajan Veronica Belmont photomatt Kent Matthew Levine John Gruber Chris DiBona Jeff Barr Julian Krause jimbo wales Thomas Hawk Ben Chris Nixon Darth Vader Rishabh Kumar Joe Dolan Daniel Burka Eric A. Meyer Brent Simmons Leah Culver Adaptive Path Shawn The Kisho Kyle Bandy Emily Folkestad Jason Ponce