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Home from makling podcasts about the Sawston Cinema Project with the kids... out tonight for boy's birthday meal.
@ruskin147 it was a fun day - hope the footage is actually useful. Quaint that you still use tape...
Fun day with @ruskin147 - evidence here - and now off to the film club.
@strangeoddity they are filming the boy for internal talk on future of media - mac/xbox/projector/wifi etc etc...
@rmorrell will give wp 2.7 a few days for others to try...
house taken over by @ruskin147 and his crew - and he's even charging his iPhone on my computer!
@claire_w w00t! Icanhazblurtickets too! Thanks for the reminder... :-)
@paulbradshaw they may not want to talk to us, but we want to talk to lots of people and tell the broader story...
@bowbrick Don't forget your trilby and 'press' card :-)
My house is a mess. And @ruskin147 will be here with cameras soon... oh noes.
@davidcarrington thanks David - not that I don't trust you, I just worry about another 'awesomeness' :-) let's hassle Twitter.
The sun seems to have snuck up when I wasn't looking. And my boy is 16! More coffee...
Retweeting @paulbradshaw: Dabr is a mobile-friendly Twitter interface.[yes, but it asks for my username/password straight off]
@gargano Ed Carter - leading the Pixel Palace project ( :-)
The day limps into view... looking forward to seeing @ruskin147 later.
@gargano if you get a chance, go visit the Tyneside Cinema in Newcastle - I'm working with them :-)
I'm at Sawston, Cambridgeshire, UK (Sawston, England, GB) -
Back from excellent conference in Rotterdam. Tired but it's the boy's birthday tomorrow so stuff to be sorted...
@loudmouthman the then is a fiction, the next a comforting illiusion. All we have is the now,so it must be other nows interfering with y ......


Jonathan Markwell danah boyd Matt Jones Scott Beale Giles Turnbull Robert Brook Dominic Tinley Frank Gilroy Jim Long Ian Forrester russell H Yoz Tom Coates VictoriaC Rik Abel alanconnor Bobbie Johnson Euan Semple Ben Cerveny Jem Mike Butcher paula sizemore Jess gillo Lawrence Neil McIntosh Doug Clinton Nico Macdonald Manar Graham Holliday Gavin Bell IanD Alice Taylor Loui Zoot
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