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the tamale lady is near the office printer taking orders here @ akqa.
I fumbled to look for a text message from my friend martyna, to realize that I only received it in my dream last night.
i finally ordered internet for my apartment, after many wireless-less years. welcome to the future.
riding the jquery carousel thanks to @loudawg ( me thinks jquery > mootools.)
using mootools to do a carousel ui motion study prototype. is there a better way?
chrome engineers used mockups as spec because they understood the design. limited to no wireframes.
engineer + designer + users = <3
chrome design team focus: "content, not chrome". (and inspiration from wipeout interface)
@ baychi google chrome talk, i'm the interaction guy in the gray vest. #jobfishing #baychi
OH: i am very sorry i threw a piece of honeydew on you.
bike riding over bubblewrap on bryant.
biking to a contract design gig in the city, still available for work!
reading a great CSS book in the park with a design chapter by @cindyli , thinking about dream jobs and travelling
word of the day: circumlocution.
@visivo chimp riding a goat into the sunset by New Yorker illustrator Bruce McCall. Herzog commentary is amazing!
never in my life is anyone going to break my back, it will not happen again. -werner herzog about being forced to sing in front of his c ...
professionally dreaming encounters at the end of the world.
looks like my former teammates at just simplified their header & footer, excited to see what's next.
looking for a new job and everything comes full circle. new ixda site runs on @ning platform:
discovered blueray u-control ui in hellboy 2: easter egg footnotes and a screensaver if you pause for too long.


Evan Williams Blaine Cook veen danah boyd Kevin Fox peterme Mr Messina Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Maureen Evans Dan Saffer Kevin Lawver Arun Ranganathan Derek Powazek Sooz Amit superamit Gupta Kevin Cheng Tantek Çelik erin cindy li John Gruber Jason Santa Maria Jeffrey Zeldman Jayna Wallace Khoi Vinh Mike Macadaan eargang Ben Fullerton soxiam Adaptive Path Joel Longtine hotdogsladies Jeff Boissier Joshua Porter Jared M. Spool Brodie Chree