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check out those pearly whites yep that's what gov't funded healthcare gets you
have no doubt, barack obama will be tested, and he will be tested because of me! I AM A ONE MAN GAFFE MACHINE!!!
A: Small brains HAR HAR HAR *cough* *ahem*
hey, you know what they say about big feet, right? booyah!
Man, do you know how badly my a$$ would have been kicked in Scranton, PA if my momma named me Beans Harpoon Palin?
wants to know when he gets his shopping spree - I got my eye on some diamond encrusted tightie whities
screw this joe the plumber joker, you got a joe the senator right here baby.
grrr always the bridesmaid, never the bride
hey if it wasn't for roe vs wade, they're be a lot more Biden Babies out there. you know it. The ladies luv the Biden, Booyah! #current
oh yeah! that's right! Chamber of Commerce doesn't even like you @FakeJohnMcCain. suck it baby!
They're not buying the healthcare plan, John, stop kicking the dead horse man. #current
Don't you be talking smack about Scranton @FakeSarahPalin Scrantonites would slap you up your lipstick-wearing-pit-bull smooch
Awwww, poor little @FakeSarahPalin, the dial just totally flatlined on your a$$
Don't forget the teeth. I got some seriously nice teeth. You know it.
Nice Scranton shout out! Those my peeps, yo!
HELL YAH! Let's talk running mates! I can talk all day long
BOOYAH! You tell it Barack!
I HAD NO IDEA! It's ACORN that is destroying the fabric of this country. All of a sudden everything makes so much sense!
Ha! According to the CNN dial, the ladies aren't digging you tonight @FakeJohnMcCain. Looks like you're in need of the Biden Booyah!
don't need to drive the economy into the 21st century. Just take Amtrak!


The New York Times Barack Obama NY TImes: National NY Times: Politics Jon Henke Lee Stranahan Josh Hendler tpm marcambinder aravosis Tobin Van Ostern The Fix The Lede The Caucus freakonomics Lynn Sweet Fake John McCain janehamsher Fake Cindy McCain anu_narayan Fake NPR HowardKurtz FakeSarahPalin Rachel Maddow MSNBC keith olbermann FakeBristolP