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omg twitterific demo for @beekalove lolz
Netvibes new features officially slow the site to a crawl. aka: Why mess with a good thing?
@greyc glad I could. And you're not retarded. Hopefully you learned a lot. :)
@davidbliss oooh! hadn't even thought of that. maybe? :)
@dkrape RT See some of the early Obama logo alternatives:
Learned lots about Python today. A strange language, but an easy one.
All ski equipment ordered. Now time to find a mountain to use said equipment on.
@damiencorrell ask for a list of damages and receipts for the work done. If she doesn't provide, small claims.
@sicchio imagine me trying to teach urban dance. comical. I'll stick to code. :)
Aaaaand it all returns to normal. G'bye Michael Webowitz!
@dscheibel I am jealous beyond reason. When you return we go to Hunter.
@sicchio teacher. Intro to Databases: PHP and MySQL.
Ordered required textbooks for next semester's class. So weird.
@skoch Let me just put it this way... that is a my favorite portrayal of anyone.
Oh... and if you want to see the REAL Mike Webowitz...


Jay Wolff Geoff DiMasi Mike Chambers Mike Downey Daniel Dura Ted Patrick Keith Peters tina glengary corrine sabah ahmed Joe Fritz Eli Horne Dan Mall Michael Lebowitz Summer Lee Brimelow David stacey mulcahy Robert Fauver Joel Fisher Thea Andrew Paprocki ranae heuer Erin Bender Mario Klingemann ryan smith Andre Michelle John Freeborn Ivan Askwith Matthew Kosoy Karen Kosoy Joshua Hirsch Matt Rosenberg Matthew Fisher heymax