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I can't help but roll my eyes every time I read the word "whilst." I know it's common in British English but it's just so ostentatious.
@jerry The Thunderball episode is the last one I know of - there's another?
@matthooks Yeah. Nothing secret really. David, Matt, Jeremy & Jeff are in town working on the new book and our single sign-on system.
@jerry I love that skit. And all of UCB.
@noradio There's a Belkin one at the Apple store for $20ish.
@al3x While we're making feature requests I wish I could hide only @ replies to people whose accounts are private to me.
Make screenshots of long web pages: (used it a number of times but always forget its name when I need it)
@jnunemaker It's invaluable for normalizing feed data, and JSON is much nicer to work with than XML. Keeps a lot of nasty code out of my app
Working on a fun internal app that uses Yahoo! Pipes to normalize & combine feeds from disparate sources. I'll write it up on SvN next week.
@symsonic You should use whatever makes you happier.
I love playing the "write as little code as possible" game. Not to be confused with the "write the tersest code possible" game.
@feldpost Gotta agree with you there. Lovely is a fine spot for working. Good light and plenty of space.
Good news: Firefox and Safari now have nearly 28% of the browser market.
@al3x Also the new version of Knox creates sparsebundle images by default which work well with Time Machine.
@al3x I use OS X encrypted disk images to store source code checkouts and sensitive docs. Knox provides a nice UI:
This is sweet. Flickr color search (via @coudal):
Today starts my fourth year at 37signals! Hard to believe.


Jerry Richardson Sarah Hatter Geoffrey Grosenbach Michael Koziarski Scott Raymond Adam Keys David Ellen Nemesis Alex Payne Greg Borenstein Bruce Williams Obie Clint Ecker Jacqui Cheng Josh Peek Amy Hoy Erik Kastner Andrew Dupont Nathaniel Talbott Tobias Lütke Jarkko Laine Ben Nolan Chris Wanstrath PJ Hyett Sandor Weisz Andrew Huff Justin Palmer rick Chad Fowler Patrick Ewing Scott Barron Kelly Jeanne Fowler Brooke Raymond Jim Coudal c3 Joshua Sierles Tobie Langel