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worried about coming exams :(
i am sick with cold.. wondering what to do next!..
My first tweet from my brand new iphone 3f
some awesome giveaways as well during the birthday celebrations.. here's the first
dailyapps turns one today.. come join me for the party at
the ultimate in Mac-PC Parody
anyone planning to attend this july in Delhi? I am making up my plans..
heading for bath now.. been a hectic day really!.. Branch fest in college tomorrow.. Wish me luck!
@Kenneth congrats.. one more dell customer thanks to me.. :)
@sindhu, is google reader working for you?
whats wrong with google reader? it doesn't seem to load for me.. I get a javascript error..
@dj_priyam a photo blog in my opinion would be awesome.. and they are quite rare to find to as well.. I suggest you try out photoblogging
good morning world... am looking to hold some form of contest on DailyApps.. Any suggestions or sponsors?
also got college fest coming this weekend so got to prepare for that as well, as am the incharge of two events..
been busy lately. .call it work overload, exams coming up soon and I've no clue what is happening in college..
@dj_priyam life's movin at the same old' pace.. and the blog is growing faster than i can keep up with it.. :(
@dj_priyam everything is fine here.. how are you?
got the college department fest coming up next week, so got to be organising some stuff.. /* I'm looking forward to it */
@acmhatre isn't that amazing? I wonder how many Indians use Firefox.. the problem is for many indians internet = internet explorer! :(


Jason Calacanis kristyk Chris Brogan Derek Robert Scoble photomatt Alex Payne Paul Stamatiou JP dona Amit Agarwal Kiran Jonnalagadda Gomez Thilak Raj Rao Kenneth salvo68 Carla Bruni Avilash c. wess daniels Anirudh Sanjeev Christian Ramakanth Kamath P Luca Reo Terry Ng silvano Priyam Malhotra Mr. BabyMan raj dash Scoble's Link Blog Aditya Mhatre Daniel Sharadtriyama Sarah KL The Bachelor Guy Ajay D'Souza Leo Laporte