FEDLINK Services Directory

Scholastic Publishing


Scholistic Library Publishing is the leading print and online publisher of children's non-fiction and reference materials, which include products published under the prestigious imprints of Grolier, Children's Press(r), Franklin Watts(r), and Grolier Online(r). In addition, we sell the very best Scholastic titles directly to libraries. Childrens Press--Since its founding in 1945, Childrens Press(r) has been a leader in the world of children's publishing for grades K-8. Known primarily for producing highly sucessful, long-running non-fiction series Children's Press(r) best-sellers include: America the Beautiful, From Sea to Shining Sea, Rookie Books, A True Book(tm) and Enchantment of the World. Franklin Watts-- For more than 50 years, the name Franklin Watts(r) has meant the finest in non-fiction for intermediate-grade readers and young adults. Designed to inform, educate and entertain, the Watts list boasts a fascinating array of biographies, social studies, history, and science books. GROLIER-- Grolier publishes multi-volume, curriculum-aligned reference sets as well as general reference encyclopedias for students as young as third grade. Grolier's best-selling name brand products include: The New Book of Knowledge(r) and Encyclopedia Americana(r). Grolier Online(r) is the definitive, fully integrated database collection and online research portal. With age-appropriate learning environments (Grolier online Kids and Grolier Online Passport) and search results, Grolier Online simplifies fact-finding for beginners and advanced users alike. Grolier Online is published on the World Wide Web at: http://go.grolier.com Please contact the Scholastic Library publishing representative for details of their offering.

  • Service ID: QS
  • LC/FEDLINK BOA#: LC06G7521
  • Transfer or Direct Payment Options
  • Additional pricing terms: Pricing varies depending on subject area.
  • Mary Kurtz
  • Scholastic Library Publishing

  • 90 Old Sherman Turnpike
    Danbury, CT 06816
  • (203)796-2552

  • (866) 783-4361 fax
  • MKurtz@ScholasticLibrary.com

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