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Sheesh! So many great ideas coming in I'm feeling like it's hard to keep up with my own network! Thanks everyone!
I love this project!
prepared talk 4 tomorrow on creativity and sustainability in the shadow of greatest cathedral in Belgium, w/beer brewed 4 500 years.
Feeling pretty good about the U.S. Feeling pretty good about the chance to salute my first black president.
@xenijardin I'm feeling completely happy-manic, despite jetlag. I want to dance.
off to the election parties to watch returns and get drunk off my donkey. I think I'm falling in love with America all over again.
I, apparently, am huge in Sweden. Interviews, talks, meetings, parties... crazy. They must have mistaken me for another Alex Steffen.
In Stavanger, Norway, jetlagged, full of roomservice salad, about to crash but so into this book I want to stay up + read a few more pages.
@jerrymichalski It's a freaking awesome city and the Danes have got it going on in all sorts of directions. What dates are you there?
@gervis I'll be in Amsterdam in November - if we can, let's coordinate.
Gearing up for Norway, Sweden and Denmark. A bunch of talks, meetings, research, media appearances and, hopefully, fun. 2 weeks, all-out.
@hrheingold Cool, I'll be in Copenhagen later this month. I'll check it out.
@warrenellis That was exactly what I was thinking!
Homemade shrimp and grits for dinner, with fresh-hopped beer. So not worthy. Living lucky in time & place, w/ talented southern girlfriend. Worldchanging's collecting ideas for the first 100 days of the next administration. You can play
A little surprised this piece is getting so much attention. Isn't it an obvious point?
Howling wind clattering things across the roof and into the trees as the rain pelts against the window. Happy to have a home tonight. Brrr.
Vancouver airport - free wifi, nice Canadian staff, big sunny windows, no stupid "threat level" announcements. What every airport should be.


Maggie Mason Jerry Michalski Xeni Jardin brady forrest Mickipedia Mark Patrick Finnern Joi Ito Pierre Omidyar Rebecca Blood Jon Lebkowsky Ethan Zuckerman Bruce Sterling Jon Stahl Kevin Kelly Sara Winge John Wyble Cory Doctorow Howard Rheingold Clay Shirky Warren Ellis fturner njeremijenko revkin emilypilloton denise caruso kiranders P Nielsen Hayden garreau Worldchanging Julia_Levitt