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Its party time!
Getting ready!
i think the storm won this battle... we're now leaking from the ceiling in the back and the window by my desk... lovely!
is it the weekend yet?
mmm camomile tea
@AdamMiller see you really really soooon :)
it feels like the beginning of spring!
its far too cold for anything other than hot chocolate, sweatpants, and a good book!
@decadent77 working out before work is wayyyyy better!
user testing, day 2!
@decadent77 see you SUPER soon :)
i cracked.... and broke out the christmas music before thanksgiving
its so cold in this office i cant even feel my fingers
Left my house at 9 and finally arrived at work at 10.15 (this commute usually takes 15min). I have concluded the MBTA is stealing my money
I hate the t more than words can describe
circles, circles, circles
@heyitsnoah ha! that literally made me laugh out loud... too funny!
@kbeaton that is awesome! way to go :)
im cold and over-caffeinated :(


Noah Rick Webb Kate Beaton Daniel Schutzsmith Anthony Dines nathanael mikeot Toby Joe Boudreaux sam weerakoon yzzordorex Keith Butters shikalikah Ryan Tomorrow Jayna Moloney el_gato1 Adam Miller fancyjelly