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I just got a bigger more energetic bday greeting from my Wii Fit than I did my own mother this am
I think I might be allergic to the pine candle scent that has now enveloped my house
Based on the size of the bird already in the oven, my mom thinks she is feeding 17...should I tell her there are only 4 of us?
The matching Gangster suits on MSNBC are awesome!
Today would be a great day for a long city walk, let me know if you're game
Note to self, in 4 yrs bring a beverage to early voting.
I'm proud to be in the media industry tonite; the Obama prime time message is sheer genius
I'm not sure the MAX capacity "L" car is fully optimized but it does make for a nice change
Didn't know being a good aunt meant sharing a rm w/ a 2yr old and by default sharing his taste in nite time "music"
Phil's dad showing up on Amazing race was kinda amazing
I'm embarassed for the guy that just walked into the nail salon and asked for a back wax
The phrase "my friends" has forever been tainted for me
I'm confused by the CNN analysts score card pie charts--I get the colors but not the numbers
Uncomfortable "L" moment # 712-listening to some guy berate his condo tenant over missed mortgage payments b/c of late rent
How does one nicely tell the office bathrm cleaning lady that conversation should cease when one is actully in the restrm?
When the best things about Wired's NextFest were the solid color ink cartridges and the Mayor, something is wrong
"L" gross out # 92: girl who removed her shoes to massage her feet on the nasty ass floor of the train car
The problem with 9pm conf calls, I'm now wide awake and still thinking about work.
New cab line system at American reminds me of Vegas only w/o the anticipation of possibly winning big.