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@hhavenwood we'll launch next week. I'm cheating, LOL.
listening to the new "Clearing For Money" audio... and it is good. ;-)
back in the studio building web pages and listening to pandora radio.
@tonylaidig not sure how that might work 4 what i do. no midi. good for movie stuff/vocals
@tonylaidig if you can stand digidesign's CS, go with protools. I couldn't take it- they're the worst. the software is good, though.
@lizpabon thanks! I'm working as fast as I can, LOL.
editing new clearing for money audio - first project on the new laptop with new software. Learning curve, no Sherpas.
@MoniqueBriand hola... time to zip up to the studio and get some work done. thanks!
$100K/year from YouTube Videos? yep.
slow morning. coffee. online newspapers. Heading to Austin soon for meetings and hang-out w/ the kid.
@carrannmor oooh.. Blazing Saddles and Obama- funny. thanks.
@LockwoodChris nope. i got it right. Hannity is a slime ball.
Reminding me of why I don't watch Fox... Shawn Hannity is a certainly what I'd want my kid to grow up and be like. NOT. What a slimeball
is that rain? in the texas hill country? now way!
@AlexKaris just sent emails to @mrfire, @billhibbler and @craigperrine - let's see if they're in.
this is weird: elevator disco?
watching Blazing Saddles and imagining Obama as Bart.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Adam Rugel Evan Williams sara Krissy Bush Philip Kaplan Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Josh Kopelman Kevin S. veen Jason Shellen Chris Sacca Scott Fegette Matt Galligan Jerry Richardson danah boyd Dick Hardt Mary Hodder Brian Walsh seanbonner Xeni Jardin Kevin Fox Ian Hay Wayne Sutton Ross Beau Mack D. Male Nitin Borwankar om tedr Gavin Narendra Dave McClure
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