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thinking of new bumper sticker. "Thank God my arms are long enough to [.....]."
back from 6th grade field trip. tired but happy. nothing more hilarious than 100-odd 12 year old boys.
planning to close nominations on SXSW fourth panelist... Monday? then on to voting. make your nominations here:
hanging at the beach, getting ready for another psychedelic sunset
Core corruption: "Merrill plans to cut year-end bonuses in half after more than $20 billion of losses..." How 'bout negative 150% bonuses?
up early getting ready to go on 6th grade beach trip. whoee!
driving back to work to pick up power cord, saw a shooting star slice downward into Chapel Hill
in this week's new yorker, terrifying portrait of bernanke's clueless complicity in bubble & meltdown:
@cjoh did they read you your rights after they took away the lighter?
just failed miserably at the ecodriving game advertised on
Loved Rachel Getting Married... might even buy the soundtrack.
@BrianR this from the guy who thinks that urging people to avoid meat is asking too much, though methane causes far more warming than CO2.
committee members can only remember 8% of content of meeting two weeks prior:
brewing spaghetti sauce with foundation of local hot italian-style sausage. enough with the turkey.
thinking about gold, everyone's currency of last resort. going to $10k an ounce?
tweaking powerpoints for DC trip tomorrow AM
@knitgrrl: sorry, here's URL to suggest Suxorz panelist:
@knitgrrl: Great! Nominate yourself to be Suxorz panelist here:
violin lesson: bach concerto #1.


Biz Stone Eric Case Mary Hodder David Gutowski Aaron Bailey Nick Douglas Scott Beale Tom Limongello Arjan Writes Clay Johnson Karl Frisch Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Nancy Scola Zack Rosen Brian Russell Ruby Sinreich Aldon Hynes nicco mele Stowe Boyd Matt Homann Jim Long Tom Bridge Paul Jones debs Justin Abbott Joshua Levy jeneane sessum Mike Butcher Christopher Locke Ryan Carson Kat Herding loose|wire Anil Dash Rex Sorgatz Hugh MacLeod
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