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Good moooorning, 11:35am. Being off my meds is SUCH a bitch.
At 808, awesome. This is go
Good morning.
Finally home, cleaning and waiting for my mother before I end up rollin' out to Iowa for the weekend.
What an awful time to have a traffic jam.
moving is so freakin' depressing.
It's over. )=
i just realized that in two hours, I will have finished 5 semesters of university life.
awake. hopefully I'm ready for this Chemistry final. eesh.
bed-time. I need to sleep for this freakin' Chem Final.
Woo, fuck the rest of my night.
awkward dinner with my father, now it's time to clean my room and coordinate my escape.
How did everything just come down crashing?
Out on a field trip! =D
I am in the first car wash of my life!! Squeeeee!
Wow, that calc final raped me.
Just bought TDK and Ben&Jerry's. Good night tonight. [=
took a nap, now i'm watvhing Jon Stewart. Choice.


Justine Zack Kitzmiller Matt Youngblood Omar Jasso nabeel shaikh Michael Johnston Ed Kirk Justin King John Combs Jason Harper Kelsey Wild Mike Ton Andrew Garza Candace Nate Pyper santagaryvee Thomas Ventimiglia erin maslovar John Barta Abby Perrino Hannah Pripps xanafeyed Jessica Kalvig Josh McReady Sarah Floress daytum KevinSherman ahoykristen jess insult2thedead Jami Dobretz