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@tedr re: I wish I had known that was going on. I have two who could have made a run for Coolest Dogs.
Ophelia like to sit on my shoulder and instantly sleeps when I put her in her crate and cover it with a towel. She is a Parrothuahua.
"The short, disgusting life of the Hummer" -
#voodoopad "New version!! Should I upgrade you?" Me: "Yes!" Him: "Okay! Done! Now you can't use me because you're on 10.4!" Me: *cries*
@lonelysandwich Wearing these works great In lieu of that, licking your dogs butt would probably keep them away.
"Prop 8 - The Musical" is very, very good.
I see they have finally managed to replace commercial breaks during football games with short football breaks during 2hrs of commercials.
@emoryprof @jnicoloff and I think your daughter is the bomb. You did good work, ma'am!
Dear friends: 1) There is no such thing as a 20lb tofurkey. 2) You would never, ever catch me making anything with faux meat. Thx 4 ur attn.
Hmm, it shouldn't take this long to defrost a 20lb tofurkey.
Some days I really wish I was on vacation. For all the rest, I *AM* on vacation.
Pro tip (new to me): Using email aliases in Apple Mail
@johntunger I'm using Apple Mail and Gmail IMAP. Drag and drop. Errors out often (or so I read) due to unpublished Gmail traffic limits.
Let it be known that importing fifteen years of email into Gmail is not a simple task.
`I clicked on the "Gmail - All Mail" folder in Apple Mail. If you live in San Francisco, you may want to evacuate. I fear a meltdown.
Dammit. Wrong window..
@daMongolian OMG ur awesome!! Retweet: you CAN delete em and do the right swipe'll give ya a delete button
Home sweet home. What a great day to be back in San Francisco. Ahhhhhh warm sun!
Wow, this has been a crazy and amazing trip. Sea Ranch, Eureka, Portland, Seattle, now back to Portland. One day, we will be home.
Enjoying the hell out of Portland


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