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@critter_TV Sorry it took you so long to get home. Glad you made it home safely.
@PUBLISIDE These things happen. Be sure to look for the Obama branding story next week on Christmas Eve. Will anyone even be around?
@shannonpaul And you're able to tweet? I'm impressed. Please drive safely.
MSNBC reports $50 billion Wall Street fraud scam. Everytime you look up another shoe drops. What next?
@BreweryCU @BreweryCU @mkaPR Thanks for following. Looking forward to sharing interesting tweets.
Just been told by my editor that Obama branding column will hold a week due to toiday's heavy news cycle. Column returns next Wednesday
@AlKrueger I won't be back from vacation until Jan. 5th, but will be periodically checking email
@AlKrueger That would be great, except I'm supposed to be on vacation. Didn't want to neglect my tweets, however. Shoot me an email.
@AlfredEdmondJr Very nice. Newspapers should use video to do similar behind-the-scenes snapshots of what we cover. Good stuff
What makes you happy? Here are 10 things science says will make you happy. Something to ponder for the New Year:
How much time do you spend on Twitter? Check out the Tweetwasters Hall of Fame, which I didn't make by the way:
@romke Thanks for the RT.
Word is from a former senior policy advisor to the Obama campaign that we can expect to see him back on the social media scene in the future
Look for my column tomorrow on how to brand yourself like Barack Obama and what entrepreneurs can learn from him from a marketing standpoint
@RAReed I know the feeling. I've fallen off the wagon pretty bad myself. I declare that today will be a new beginning.
@fsutoby Also, where did you hear I'm going to Edmonton? It may be fun there, but it's certainly not warm.
@fsutoby Thanks. but I'm not going anywhere. Just staying home to hang out with the kids and get ready for the holidays.
For your fitness buffs who's fallen off the wagon, interesting article in jsonline on how to get your act back in gear:


Wayne Sutton Kathy Johnson Jason Calacanis Pete Prodoehl Chris Brogan Jim Long Keller Robert Scoble Kevin Farner Neils Brooks Lukas Sparks Steve Rubel Dan Wilde marcus nelson Kevin Grace Piper Mike Rohde Ramon Ray Barbara Rozgonyi Dan Christensen Romke de haan Zenophon Abraham Mike McCallister Josh Schultz Nancy Stall Hjortur Smarason Blagica Peter Shankman Nathan T. Wright Chad Davis john lopez Tiffani Ashley Bell Gail Sideman Bryan Eisenberg Michael Hoffman Amy
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