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@jbdryden as a man I say boo to that. . . butt you know I would.
video of that last tweet
OH @GWBush presser via Iraqi journo who threw his shoes:,"This is you final farewell, you dog". Bush: "All i can report was it's a size 10."
@EarthEmperor Be George W Bush. Because that guy don't care about anything right now.
@JHTaylor ok fine I'll play. I was a caddy since starting @13, for 7 summers, it taught me how to bite my tongue and also the best curses .
@raster we got studio lighting @bucketworks ask and you shall receive. Thx @radione
@solessence no, she was so Q1 2007. move on.
@augieray no, just like computers, cellphones should be discarded after 20 months. do it for mother earth.
Using GDocs to update drupal is realy cool.
@offwhitemke ohhh that psd is sexy, Very neat-o
@agartka web414 @bucketworks wiki-robot projects, and now checking out seadragon deep composer. say hi to my Ciesielski family while u r thr
@agartka welcome back to 2AM Wisco time!!
@radione great night, can't wait to figure out the @bucketworks video disto system. @knelltron, wanna help?
I'm not not eating cold pressed lamb
@blakehall I ordered you a red cape too.
@blakehall I f'ing love the new look and glasses. Good work.
Hey Milwaukee freelancers there is a lawyer giving answers @web414, @WebDesignMKE, MKE Graf Design tonight @bucketworks.


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest wil wheaton Nick Douglas Harper Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Sooz Pete Prodoehl Veronica Belmont Phil Gerbyshak Major Nelson (Larry) Andy Lester John Gruber Rex Sorgatz Status Updates Ray Kevin Farner Jeremiah John Edwards Darth Vader Mat Lu Kevin Rose Lukas Sparks Jacob Hazelgrove Bill Clinton Drew Domkus Loic Le Meur Chris Marquardt hotdogsladies John Resig Chris Pirillo heygabe Heather Krisman
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