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New blog post: Interested in iPhone Games - Help Me Build a Great Mini-Conference
is in the early stages of thinking through a half-day conference on iphone gaming. msg me if you have suggestions for speakers / topics
@jasonchen that's crazy. Where will all of the jetlagged tourists go in the morning? It's quite the site to behold!
@jowyang if readers who want to know more about how virtual goods will do in this economy, check out videos from VGS2008 -
the most important thing in problem solving is often framing the issue. i'm being reminded of that more and more each day.
New blog post: My Best Estimate for the Size of the Virtual Goods Market in the United States
New blog post: Twitter and Facebook?
OH in SF - "All you need is four family members and a dungeon master"
off to #startup2startup to moderate my table and catch up with folks
off to lunch at #katana-ya and then a quick errand.
@amyjokim that autumn game on photograb was tough, especially the reflecting pond part.
i had a fascinating talk with my dad about the auto bailout (he spent 30+ years in big 3 auto) - time for some dinner.
my Twitterank is 77.19!
stayed up way too late upgrading wordpress and radically simplifying blog design. that should be enough to shame me into blogging again.
new blog post - Update - New Job, Returning to Blogging Soon(ish)
@randwacker congratluations! you both must be so excited.
wow. this is a bad omen for a monday. i'm at #philz in soma and they can't make coffee because they're out of filters.
i have a small data entry project that i'm going to farm out - anyone have a good sense for the going rate for outsourced data entry?
Time for dinner at #Cortez and then drinks with friends.
is grandcentral going to release any new features ever? i like the service but it feels so stale - i can't remember the last major update.