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Playing with Wordpress 2.7. Nice improvements on the admin side.
House is clean. Now off to library and Xmas tree shopping.
Getting a late start tasting the various Xmas beers. First off: Brooklyn's Holiday Ale.
Listening to Ben Calhoun's profile of Pat Quinn on @wbez with tape of Dr. Quentin Young.
Forgot to override the "at work" thermostat setting. Suddenly realized I'm freezing.
New personal website is up. No real new content as of yet... and still a work in progress.
@jsb I knew that was coming... I just didn't think it would be you : )
Should an about section on your own website be in first or third person?
@paulsmith Does the new version of picasa resize images? That was missing from the versions I have tried.
Without Photoshop for the first time. Going to try out Gimp for image editor. Any other suggestions?
JJ jr. is "appalled" by Blago's pay to play.
@AaronCDuncan what's Drew's twitter handle?
I'm actually related to Otto Kerner, one of IL's gov.s who was sent to jail. I want me some patronage plz
@ronstoneman Will wait til school's out for Gabby, then most definitely!
@AnnaTarkov I like it, but watch out, CEO of Amazing is under the microscope by the Kick Ass board of directors.
@ronstoneman Snow day today? I'm taking one! Looks like PH20 got battered. How about where you are.
@AnnaTarkov re VP of Awesome. I like to keep a job title vague. That way no one can pin you down for actual duties.
With PQuinn as gov., look for Quentin Young to be named Lt. Gov. : ) now that would be awesome.
@sggottlieb Getting your employees to use the intranet is often the hardest challenge : )


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