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@brianeck heh, just trying to get twitter to send me the command list. :-)
@sknygrydg07 sure, thanks! Was trying to send a help message to the twitter system to get a list of commands'
@darkfeather nothing going on, I was just trying to get twitter to send back the list of default commands. :-)
Just saw "The Day The Earth Stood Still". What a friggin' pile of bollocks.
Christmas present to self: GPS module for the autonomous recovery rocket.
At home with a nice cup of tea, watching the drizzle, listening to Manchester United on the BBC.
Crap! Rocket launch canceled due to sustained high winds at the launch site. Turn around everyone!
Off to the Mojave, with a car full of rockets.
Dragging my ass out of bed.
Spent the evening building rocket motors. Fingers crossed for light winds tomorrow.
Retweeting @hodgman: The best way to meet a 3rd Stage Guild Navigator is to stop the flow of spice. Then they show up quick.
Best full moon in 15 years tonight! Moon both full *and* at its closest distance to the Earth. Will appear as much as 11% brighter.
Morning email apnea level: moderate.
Building rocket electronics and listening to "Savage Love".
Retweeting @ajturner: this looks like an awesome tool for practicing 普通话 . I agree, very cool!
Morning email apnea level: moderate
@enloet I'm gonna party like it's 23:59:60! All the way to 00:00:00!!!
New blog post: Mona Lisa created via Genetic Programming
Morning email apnea level: moderate


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