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@wgraziadei ...most of my professors were clueless - I learned about tech from lab geeks on Amigas on my own time.
@wgraziadei My response requires more than 140 chars, however I will say this
@wgraziadei I'm happy the old world has helped so many. It gave me degrees, but all the learning was on my own.
@dwilkinsnh ah! Horked? Perhaps I'm using it wrong. I thought that was the word being use in the movie Strange Brew. Sorry.
@dwilkinsnh I'm sorry. But I'm not sure which term you are referimg too
Cranes in the Fire Mist photo - Scott Bourne - AWESOME! I wish I had $400 to get the print. Would like nice in my house
@PhoenixSunsGirl YES! Would love to see Al's tweets! No suns tonight...easier to get the kids to sleep ;-)
@moehlert Dude...the Grand Canyon big deal...seriously. You gotta live there, actually NEAR BY, to fully understand.
@cogdog I'm not seeing anything wrong on the beeline....checking other sources.
New blog post: AC/DC 2008 - Dirty Tweets (done dirt cheap!) (via @jmoriarty)
@jmoriarty excellent ac/DC cover - rock on!
@moehlert ...that and, "who horked the last beer, eh?"
@moehlert As Bob and Doug McKenzy would say, "no sense steering now"
@bryanzug Love the word in your bio - Devigner! Perfect.
Wow! Just noticed that I hit 800 followers today. Now I guess I need to start saying something important ;-)
@dwilkinsnh Thanks for the shoutout! I loved your comments re: SM v. KM - right on
@paulscott56 Thanks for pointing me to Chisimba. I've never heard of it before. I may need to contact you for more info.
RT @mebner: Watching '[video] A Brave New World Wide Web' at Vodpod - me too. Good stuff
Opensource web frameworks for training/ed - MOODLE, Drupal, and .... ??? Who else? Any ideas?


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