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Dammit, Rove! How many times do I have to explain TiVo to you?!?! (He forgot to record the Browns/Ravens game last weekend.)
Red alert, bitches! That John Edwards twitter account is sooooo fake.
Tee-hee! Just saw Ashcroft walk out of Sharper Image with one of those "massage chair" things. Somebody is stressed out this week!
No!!! Hillary just snooped through my call log while I was in the bathroom. She knows I've been drunk-dialing Kofi!
Dick! Cheney! Do you really think we don't all hear you blasting "This Is Why I'm Hot" on repeat from your office?
GW is making us watch BSG on DVD for strategy ideas.
Wah! I thought Laura and I were BFF!
O!M!G! "Accidental decapitation." Too funny!
My Fox guys, I love every single one of them.
LOL! G.W. likes fruitcake.
GW just discovered "Ain't Nothing But A G Thang" because Abramoff forgot his Zune in the Oval Office. Now he won't shut about it!
G. thinks he's so funny. He keeps popping into my office singing "Condi, Condi" to that "Candy, Candy" melody. NOT FUNNY, G.W.!
OMG! Kofi texted me! What do I do? Do you think he knows about G.?
Stuck in traffic on Pennsylvania Ave and guess who pulls up next to me. Colin in his Avalanche! AWKWARD!
Just saw Kofi with another tramp at H&M. I'd hate on her, but she was wearing the same shoes as me. :)
OMG, cutest halter ever top at Forever 21. I'm so getting it G.W.'s girls. Maybe they will introduce me to Paris!
Hm, Foley wants a reference for a job at the Y.
Oh no! Lieberman just showed up on my missed calls list -- I hope he doesn't think we owe him anything.
Counting my frequent flyer miles. Huzzah!
At that dive bar on K Street. Abramoff's Dodgeball said he had Kofi with him. Liar.


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone crystal Evan Williams Sarah Milstein Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Lars veen Maggie Mason Lane Mary Hodder Jessica Nick Douglas Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Scott Beale President Monteiro Kyle Ford Kevin Lawver Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Wilson Glenda Michael Sippey Adriana Dan Cederholm Paul Cloutier Cameron Marlow Courtney P Halsted Justine Alicia C Adrianna Tan
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