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from @tomhumbarger Oracle's "The Social Enterprise" - I think I created a fad -
Nice post on engagement and non-profits from @tmcenroe following up on SMB this week
from @mukund 52 of Warren Buffet's best quotes:
@hughlh thanks - he will probably be headed back to the vet today or tomorrow...really frustrating. Otherwise seems fine
@hughlh thanks - he has been at the vets for four nights already...brought him home because we thought he was doing better
we think the cat may have anorexia... hard to heal in humans...impossible when its a pet!
not too happy this morning - kitty hasn't eaten on its own in a week; now home but still won't drink or eat. No obvious issue though
@warrenss yes, I believe the use case was that person in the office that must ask people dumb questions all the time :)
@mattceni thanks for your help with my FedEx issue - I will give a call tonight!
@rosebeezy I actually had a few minutes this morning to peruse the web...I need to do more reading though!
@maczter no, but that is funny too :)
@ayemoah that's great - tnx! RT @rhappe http://www.charitynavigator... has rankings and tips and how they use the money etc.
just ran across this in a brainstorming conversation: http://www.justfuckinggoogl...
Also very cool mood-image tool I just tripped across: http://moodstream.gettyimag...
just tripped upon this raging debate about the value of Twitter: http://www.socialmediatoday... Fun reading
@kanter see my post on gift donations...see my xmas donation ideas: - mailing lists are just a pet peeve :)
@kanter that's a nice preso RT @rhappe so, why not be a social media geek who gives?
@geekaren thanks - he's very happy :)
@kanter cool - thanks - that's a fine work around for me!
Is there a 'seal of approval' for charities that practice good privacy and communications practices?


danah boyd Rod Begbie Wayne Sutton Ross om Dave McClure Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Paul Terry Walhus Matt Cutler Thomas Vander Wal BJ Cook Josh Bancroft Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Susan Scrupski mdy Jennifer Woodard M Chaitanya Sagar Stowe Boyd Chris Brogan Justin Kownacki Bill Palmer Beth Kanter Dan York Amadis Wann Marc Sirkin Heath Row Andrea Mercado Doug Haslam Jim Long Amit superamit Gupta Emily Chang Brian Solis Dina debs
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