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'Google is the most profitable, insidious unstoppable force - I'm proud to say'
'Microsoft, Intel and Yahoo have down and to through right stock charts'
'Sarbanes-Oxley is a massively ill-conceived sledgehammer on the head of small businesses and investors'
'Enterprise markets can be important, but Consumer markets are the Grand Slams'
'VC is a cottage industry that doesn't scale at all - more partners doesn't mean better returns'
'VC is the most inefficiently priced asset class at purchase'
'Bill Gates and Andy Grove are the two most vicious capitalists that have ever walked the face of the earth'
'I expect the VC business to contract to $5-$6b business in the coming years'
'VC industry is about a $20b per year business'
'Our strategy is to be lucky'
'I spend most of my time listening to Powerpoints and telling myself to try to be polite'
'The Economist and have no bearing on the VC business'
'Entrepreneurs are knowingly ignorant of market conditions since they are irrelevant to start ups'
Panel over, VC Bruce Dunlevie, General Partner of Benchmark Capital is now telling us that no one knows how to predict the future
Audience Question: 'are there people out there that can interpret tech jargon for investors?' Panel: 'We all do that all the time'
'90,000 people live in Boulder, CO and they support TechStars - we can do that in Houston or Dallas easily'
'challenge the conventional wisdom of the current VC model by focusing on the seed rounds'
'what would you do with a bunch of money? Don't waste it on rewriting the same code over and over again'
'getting people to talk is hard - BarCamps and Jelly's are the best start'
Q: What needs to happen to make the tech ecosystem better for entrepreneurs? A: minimize politics among organizations, lessen tax impact


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone noah crystal Tony Stubblebine Adam Rugel Evan Williams Dunstan Philip Kaplan Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Chris Wetherell Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Noah Chris Sacca danah boyd heif Mary Hodder Rod Begbie seanbonner wil wheaton Xeni Jardin Jay Goldman Wayne Sutton Ross Mojo Denbow om tedr Frank Harris Narendra Dave McClure Nick Douglas
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