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@melistocrat: awesome! nothing like a good bit of math at the end of brunch to get Sunday going right!
everyone, regardless of native content, seems to be wearing the same sweater from the Gap tonight... kinda creepy
scraping the FDA was relatively easy... the CPSC is requiring a lot of try/except statements due to inconsistencies...
grrr UnicodeDecodeError
knocked a couple of bugs/enhancements for recallcast out from sifter... staying on this roll while I can...
@grossberg: yeah, that should totally be "or fewer" ... oh, wait, you didn't mean that...
Thrilled we've (erm, @alisonmcconnell) put out a year of The Humble Gourmand. Check it out, featuring Dan Akyroyd:
@paulkittredge: might as well go with something blue and hot...
hates the term "specialist" with the fire of a thousand suns
back late from drinks with some @sunlightnetwork folks (including @felskia) and then a great cap with @talbs in georgetown... now bed!
@ryancarson: sorry to hear you had to do that... must be a tough decision to come to -- my best to you and your crew
RT @recallcast: Lead paint in doll clothing... not _exactly_ the best idea ever:
@zeldman: I'm with you, but my cough is from residual thanksgiving allergies, so I'm alone in it - signif. other is simply annoyed by it all
crap. just realized I have two fairly significant schedule conflicts... ugh, not gonna be fun to work these ones out...
@mrjbrown: hate, unless you don't need to change anything about it or your project is disposable... it's like a mallet, most need a chisel.
hopes his coworkers will forgive his nasty cough today -- not illness, just residual effects from bad cat allergies this weekend :-/
@vanderwal & @semanticwill: I'd totally go back to IRC for that kind of discussion, if the right types of folks used IRC anymore...
@vanderwal & @semanticwill: same here, though I can't bring myself to engage in conversational twittering too often... they become f2f chats
Holy crap, that sucked! Awful rain, sleet, snow, ice, and traffic for 15 hrs and 800 mi through the rust belt. Going to bed. Won't pass Go.
Traffic at the Ohio tolls at the PA border is ridiculous... 10 mile backup. They need EZpass, like every other toll rd had two+ years ago


Joshua Kinberg Thomas Vander Wal Dan Saffer Clay Johnson Kevin Lawver George Brett Dan Cederholm Keith Williams Molly E. Holzschlag Jackson Fox Daniel Morrison Keith Jeremy Keith Garrett Murray Patrick Haney Leslie Chicoine Aaron Gustafson Kevin Smith Doug March Josh Williams luxuryluke Snook Garrett Dimon Kevin McCann Dan Rubin Matthew Veerle Pieters Paul Boag Brian Fling Jason Garber Geert Leyseele Ryan Carson Jeremy Carbaugh Mike Stickel Adrian Howard
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