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@bradwilson Don't know if it'll be cancelled, but I'm sure as heck not driving down from Mount Vernon in this weather! Maybe in January
Sliced my hand on a wood chisel last night - typing hurts!
@RickStrahl Beats me - I stopped being a sysadmin around the NT4 timeframe!
@RickStrahl Ouch - that's no fun. Best of luck.
@RickStrahl Good grief, man - your PC sure has been hating you for the past few days! I'd be thinking "repave" at this point!
Darn - my plan for a simple Greek NT reader app is dead since I can't get a free digital copy of the UBS/NA text w/punctuation & paragraphs.
Today is not what could charitably called a "productive day" - not good!
Off to hear Phil Weber speak on .Net User Interfaces in Bellingham
@ChristianBurns Good thing you have all that hair to protect your scalp...oh, wait - never mind. :)
@paulwhit That's the one. Do you know of other good resources on WPF?
@paulwhit No, I'm saying that there's a rather steep learning curve! (The Adam Nathan book helps somewhat, though.)
Oddest line I've ever heard (from a dream last night): "This is where we crucify the dinosaurs." Must have been something I ate
Everyone talks about the WPF learning curve. They're not kidding.
@codereflection Yeah, I'm signed up and all legitimate-like. Should be interesting.
@codereflection Are you going to the Firestarter event at MS on Friday?
Finished debugging a nasty Access query - apparently Access interprets LEFT JOIN differently than the rest of the SQL world
Writing my marketing plan for the next three months - Twitter figures highly into it, unsurprisingly.
I'm becoming convinced that the Google Mini is a piece of poo - it drops requests for no good reason that I can discern.
@jtauber Yeah - that's a LOT better - thanks! (By the way, any recommendations for a unicode font with nice Greek characters?)


Christian Burns Chris Bilson Brad Wilson Bob Walsh James Tauber Mike Anderson Mark Driscoll Scott Hanselman Rob Conery Steve Evans paulwhit Jon Pederson Guy Kawasaki 37signals Codebetter Mike Vizdos Abraham Piper Rick Strahl DHH Ken theResurgence jasonmnelson Jeff Schumacher