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Just bought a new wii with Mario Kart :-)
@jberrebi je viens de recuperer TOUTES les photos de mes enfants grâce a time machine !
Bizpark rocks, thank you Codordog !
Replacing my wife's laptop hard drive
Try our new blockbuster game, Mahjong Christmas :
Big big news today for Boonty but I can't tell you what it is ;-)
At the TC party
At paparazi restaurant. HUGE pizza
Nice to connect again with Johan Stael von Holstein !
So far great meetings at le Web
Back from Le Web dinner, people are more optimistic than what I anticipated
OMW to the VIP/speaker dinner of Le Web
@moia Congrats Marko ! Dopplr is a great service. now among Top 25 FB app developers
Looking for top notch LAMP developers
At Thiou, exellent Thai restaurant in Paris


Evan Williams danah boyd Dave Morin Jason Calacanis Simone Brunozzi Robert Scoble Joi Ito Rodrigo SEPULVEDA Loic Le Meur martin varsavsky alexis bonte Michael Arrington Marc Goldberg Jeff Clavier Ouriel Ohayon Geraldine Le Meur David Sifry Jeremie Berrebi Carlos Diaz Richard Menneveux Tariq KRIM Anil de Mello Freddy Mini Julien frank yu ivan Marko Ahtisaari Henri Moissinac Colette Ballou Jonathan Benassaya oleg tsheltzoff Arthur Madrid Mihai Crasneanu Babinet TechCrunch France