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Just saw a beautiful couple kissing by a taxi and a young gentleman grab a door for a granny. I love Brookline in the Winter!!!
Our bus driver doesn't speak English or know where he's going. Thank you, iPhone gps! Ms Rinz to the rescue!!!
On my way to Breakers mansion in Newport, Rhode Island with my American studies class.
Mmmm fire drill in 20-degree weather. Oh joy.
Super sickness is all up in me. No good - thank the fates that my last hour is free
Just saw a moth fly by my head in Boston on Dec 1st. There's definitely something wrong with that.
I love it when you come over to my house, I love it when you come over to my house!
Just found @Coley and @k Christmas presents!!! Yee!
My new slogan for Upper Crust = UPPER CRUST: EAT US FROM THE SIDE
Slices of pizza at Upper Crust droop over the edge of my paper plate = love.
Just finished New Moon, onto Eclipse! I cannot believe Ive read over 1200 pages inside a week - Sheesh!
Mmm bagel and cream cheese
TGIF. I got a 10pm date with Widdla, beer, and vampires! ;-)
@Momzxxxooo I'm off to see sexy vampires Friday night with the WID - he is amazing ... and brave. I hope the 14 year old hordes don't attack
It's becoming too dark too soon these days.
I hate fighting.
Sorry Janny :-( he is a most excellent cat @jannygirl
Mmmm I love the smell of copiers in the morning!


telene Konstantin Justine Keith Kevin Cheng Tantek Çelik Patrick Haney Dan Rubin Faruk Ates Eric Willis Joe Dolan Coley Wopperer Twitterrific Jeff Byrnes christy wopperer Jan Wopperer karen nguyen Barack Obama Charlesd Sarah Harrison Adam Glickman widdla