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@pat_ramsey good for NYT and AAS. Learning Microsoft products != learning how to operate a computer.
with a resigned sigh:
working 4 (8-hr) days per week has made me much more productive and effective. It's gonna be hard going back to 5 days next month.
is considering a slicehost account to use as a playground
has a serious Tamale House breakfast taco jones going on.
@chadfowler LOL the MOST news. Not best, relevant, important, useful, just the most news.
It got a lot more done this morning than I expected. It was tough getting out of bed.
I have a grand total of 28 meetings this week.
Was tempted to say that the reason some goals in indoor-coed-soccer are worth two points is: they're kicked w/ the left foot.
Woah that was a whirlwind of a day.
I don't want 24hr news anymore. I want news when something IMPORTANT needs reporting please. Ok CNN? MSNBC? Bueller?
Ice cream battered french toast, a walk around the wildflower center. It's been a good morning.
Had a great morning. Good news, good food, good friends.
just finished up a successful/positive design review. The code is 99% finished too!
some hot Korean soup sounds really good right now
NNW says I have 768 news items. 630 come from Vitamin's wacked feed.
Went to Epoch coffee this morning. Had real milk (they were out of soy). Real milk is heavy. Real heavy.
Is hatching a plan. But wishing I had an EE degree. Or some kind of industrial design training.
Do the wires for headphones have to be a single, unbroken line of copper (or whatever is in my headphone cables?) My guess: no.
@roblifford He can talk! He can talk! He can talk! I can SIIIIIIIING!


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