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@Turnip Yes, was thinking of the latter, tho I'd like to visit DK as well. So the Joker's not dead, right?
Chris Matthews in a nuthsell (and a minute): Annoyus maximus.
Oh, thank you, Windows! I use you so infrequently, but when I do for a big job that needs to run for hours, you decide to update & restart.
@cerro Terrible! Good luck with the cleanup. Never an enjoyable home project.
@craigcook Twitter is the wrong place to debate this subject. The evidence I need is all around me. Also see faith as evidence of the unseen
@craigcook What does the "entire scientific community" agree on? Great book: The Science of God, by a Jewish scientist.
Curry and board games! If only we had Bollywood Monopoly.
Trying to d/l a section of an ASP-based forum with SiteSucker (open to other site downloaders). Anyone have experience w/ this? #unlikely
@feather More like crew hangover. Beware of the pilot with dark sunglasses.
@douglaswaer Don't get me started on unions. They serve a purpose in some cases, but tend to become entitlement clubs (as you know).
@douglaswaer Bankruptcy is the best way for these companies to reorganize and streamline their operations, catching up on efficiency.
@Snibble That's funny. I didn't eat kunch either.
Google sets its UI language based on location unless you change the prefs. Makes sense... 'cept prefs don't work.
Might have made some nominations on, but they're asking for Twitter pwds. You not Twitter, you no get Twitter pwd.
@jough That's definitely more impressive-sounding. I'll use that next time.
@jeffkenny I hear ya. Kind of a different subject, but it's great when non-technical family/friends ask what you do. "I make websites."
@briancaldwell How terrible. So sorry for you and your family's loss.
@jeffkenny So are you good at your job or good at presenting? ;)
About to be shorn.


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