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git pull git push git pull git push git pull git push
Do you people read my blogs? Do you? Are you sure you are seeing all of my stupid jokes? Stay up to date!
8 in 10 experts agree: Sunday mornings are supposed to be wasted.
Seriously, a spider in the shower? This one is getting old, you guys.
If space is the final frontier, why do I feel so awkward around satsumas? Also, other foods.
@spon One always gets a haircut in Chinatown, where you need an interpreter and a reconsideration of what you consider good-looking.
Last time I met @spon, I was eating leftover Chinese. Oh, the glamour of art school. Today was only mildly better. He coughed all over me.
@spon You tosser, be glad you met me and not some spammer. If you have to meet internet people, make it non-spammers. Or something. Fuck it.
Working with a 400MB Photoshop file is like driving a car without wheels. It makes a lot of noise and takes hours to get anywhere.
Making the most delicious script type. Seriously, this'll make me rich. With your money, if possible.
The hum and swagger cite from yesterday's gig and drinking binge, respectively, a masterly move by the author of the new Rob Mientjes.
Anyone in The Hague interested in noise, I'm playing a show tomorrow. Also a bigger gig in January.
Someone tell me why Firefox and Safari shift type one pixel up or down randomly compared to each other? This is no fucking bolero.
@victorhf Let's put it like this: it's hard to type with my right hand now.
If you're going to play bass, get a plectrum. I'm just saying. Blisters are never cool.
I mainly use Safari's "Private Browsing" option when browsing Wikipedia for articles about facial hair. Share your own stories here!
1) Work. 2) ??? 3) Profit!
Who the fuck are the Knudsens?
Percentage of penis references in my Twitter archives: 7%. HAHA! MAKE THAT INCHES BITCH


Dunstan Buzz Andersen Dan Cederholm Dave Kellam Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Robert S Andersen Heilemann Hickensian Erik Garrett Murray Pete Lambert Ben Ward H Matthew Pennell pixeldiva Indranil Dasgupta Beep. luxuryluke Dan Rubin Andy Hume Jim Callender Mickipedia Derek Stuart Colville Ben Darlow Ryan Carson Reinier Meenhorst Matt Davey Shawn Grimes Faruk Ates Bas Westerbaan Grant Hutchinson cindy li Greg Storey John Gruber