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it's so cold in our office that i might cry. but then my tears would freeze, and that would be even worse.
@Philco4000: I'm in DUMBO. I could do the Gugg later. Could Gugg it up. We could be Guggin'. Gugg ya later. Gugg time. (Anything?)
from my front door in Williamsburg to relaxing in the boarding area of the Airtran terminal in Laguardia Airport in exactly 19 minutes!! ...
in the Dumbo office, watching some kind of crazy whale spout practice art in shooting up out of the East River
thinking about my new favorite DUMBO treat: decaf frozen mocha smoothee from Retreat!
@ johngeraci: WHERE ARE YOU
at lunch
im either out of my fucking mind or NY Muffin on Bedford seamlessly turned into a different store since this time last friday. i feel li ...
@jaredran are they the gray ones? those are sooo annoying!
@ bantic: the rest of the office is also wearing jared's clothing today. it's getting a little weird.
this might be the most exciting day we've ever had at work. strangers keep streaming in with intent.
Bye Bye Aditya <3!
@ jaredran: rob made you write that, and no one will believe otherwise.
'el loco burrito' is my happy place.
stealing away to the kitchen to take shots during the Turner family karaoke party. I feel like I'm 16. in jersey.
'working from home' becomes 'working from Atlas' when roommate announces she has the stomach flu.
*pretty* sure phil and i just rode the elevator with yoko ono
anyone else think we should rename the holiday 'great friday'?
um, why didnt dan phiffer tell us that he is the drummer for the mountain goats? you learn something new about your coworkers every day.
the front door locks at our offices are the two most frustrating parts of my life.