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@Mislav I reinstalled the latest version of your sublime Endless Tweets script, but keep getting "Get the upgrade" message. Is there a fix?
In my humble opinion ReadWriteWeb needs more rigid comment moderation. For an example, see comment #1
Follow what the Twitter community has to say about Dick Hardt's move to Microsoft: @sxipper is very quiet.
In Dick Hardt's own words, he'll remain the chair of Sxipper. Read the full story on Identity 2.0
Will Microsoft purchase Sxipper along with Dick Hardt? It was one Firefox extension I really liked. Let me check what Techmeme says about it
Through a trivial typo I arrived on, apparently a service in beta, access through invitation. Has anyone here tried it?
@tebbo Wouldn't you agree with me that reality is a very relative and personal notion? Don't tell me you've never heard of 'scrutinous'...
My list of 100+ Twitter feeds needs a scrutinous eye. I did add @ProBlogger's TwiTip blog. Any others?
@hrheingold Just survived configuring a WAMP install, I think I'll skip the offer to self-host Social Media Classroom. Drupal is on my list
@TweetDeck When shortening URLs, is there some way you could insert my snipped URL into the account I have with the Snipr service? Aliases?
@orcmid People like you welcoming me back certainly make the transition a lot smoother. I'll need to read up about what you've been up to!
@ivan007 Sorry our meet-up didn't happen this year. Let's definitely plan an old-fashioned cup of coffee (and some) in 2009. Cheers!
@smashcut_media Thanks for the Skype chat, full of fun and useful pointers as always. Installing latest edition of TweetDeck thanks to you.
The Abilene Paradox is close to my heart. Read at least the first anecdote from @PsycheMedia's
@AnnDiLoreto Hi, you're quick to notice! I'm really glad you guys and galls haven't jumped the Twitter ship while I was taking time off.
@Abdur now that's really a very pleasant surprise! Are you still involved with Twitter Search? I have this cool idea I'd like to vent soon.
@tebbo Let's empirically conclude that Vista is probably among Microsoft's least stable OSes. You? Simple things? Was that how we connected?
@JasonPriem With such a humorous epitaph FeedVis will truly become unforgettable. Now, will you get those multilingual stopword lists done?
@Tebbo I found it tedious to adopt the right-clicking thang in Snipr, but yes, if you'd rather not mess around with about:config settings.
@hrheingold Your Social Media Classroom project looks inviting enough. I understand it's on self-hosted Drupal. Have you got a demo set up?


Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Jason Goldman Jerry Michalski danah boyd Mary Hodder Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Nitin Borwankar om Narendra Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Dobromir Hadzhiev Brian Oberkirch Kathy Johnson Brij Singh Dion Hinchcliffe Derek Gathright Darla Mack Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft (jeff)isageek Dan Patterson Dave Winer Jason Calacanis Carlos Granier Brian Del Vecchio Dan Cederholm Kingsley Joseph mdy Alper Çugun Peter Huesken
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