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It's possible my husband is contacting stations behind my back and asking them to please stop sending us so much stuff.
Bravo didn't send me any knives. So sad. I thought they liked me!
Happened to leave TV on and All My Children came on. Freaking me out to see Frank Runyeon, who played Steve Adropolis years ago on ATWT.
New blog post: Friday, December 12th, 2008
Sorry about the lack of cable coverage and coverage of reruns in today's picks. Have had a rough 24 hours or more. Hope all is well soon!
New blog post: Thursday, December 11, 2008
The automated notifications of when each day's picks go up are so very boring & bland; maybe I'll try doing them by hand next time.
New blog post: Wednesday, December 10, 2008
@tvweek_vlada Because it only aired twice? It was dark and interesting and not promoted very well IIRC.
@moryan I doubt CBS would do a Lady Heather spin-off, but then they do seem to promote her appearances on CSI heavily.
Crappy mail day for this TV critic so far: screeners of Biggest Loser: Couples (NBC) and dietTRIBE (Lifetime). Bleah.
@moryan I'm ready for the CSI: Lady Heather spin-off, but I'll take Clarke as a regular on any (good) show.
@Yendi Yeah. It's maddening how the listings data has an extra minute, when really need extra 1.5 mins or 2 mins for both House & Heroes.
Watched our recording of Heroes, now to watch House, and then maybe Sarah Connor Chronicles from last night.
@joelrosenberg Yeah. There were actually some bits I liked in this episode, FWIW, which means it's better than some. Though still a mess.
Wow, it's so awesome that my recording of Heroes cut off before it was over. (I warned people to pad their recordings, but forgot to do it.)
New blog post: Tuesday, December 9th, 2008
@amyyen Right, I know. Though I guess it's to save money and a more interesting $ saving move than more news/reality, but still. Bleah.
@moryan Yeah, I'd be impressed if I wasn't so disappointed 'cause I used to really like the show.


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