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Dotting I's and crossing T's. And checking for typos. And fanning myself.
Have to go feed in the ice---whee! New Black Heels chapter will be posted late today. (Wanted to save you a few clicks.) Happy Wednesday!
Listening to tiny particles of ice hit the roof. Shivering violently. Readying myself for the coming storm. Wanting Chocolate pie.
Wetsy brought us a Wii Fit and I'm watching my kids get their Body Mass Index recorded. I think I'll stay far away from the Wii today
Why do I want turkey for breakfast this morning? Somebody stop me!
Trying to keep away from the seconds. One more calorie and I'm gonna have to go up another jeans size.
Can I just keep cooking Thanksgiving food for PW Cooks and skip Thanksgiving at my house this year? Then I won't have to take a shower.
Just did 25 minutes of Stairmaster in preparation for stuffing my face this week. For every action, there's an equal and opposite reaction.
Every piece of stray trash in the county is blowing into my yard right now. Windiest day I've ever seen, aside from that F4 tornado in '05.
Getting four children up and dressed by five college education can possibly prepare a mother for such a challenge.
Charlie is sleeping in my oldest's bed, sawing logs like there's no tomorrow. He sounds like a Harley.
Just told the kids "Goldilocks and the Three Bears" and it scared the tar out of my four-year-old. You can't beat the classics!
Charlie's mad I just wrote about him in that manner. His face is really long and pouty. Wait...maybe he's not mad. How would I know?
Just picked up Charlie from Josh's, where the female dog is in heat. Can someone explain why, if Charlie is neutered, he know?
Making chili cheese dogs in preparation for "The Fight." If you don't know what "The Fight" is, just forget you ever read this.
Note to self: find and destroy all scrunchies in my house.
Making pancakes. Drinking coffee. Wearing pajamas. Hair in a...a...scrunchie. Question: where did the scrunchie come from? It's a mystery.
Brush up on your astronomy---special quiz/contest coming later today. Love, Copernicus
Watching Marlboro Man do Level 9 on the Stairmaster. (No, he's not wearing his boots.) I won't tell you what Stairmaster level I use.
Satellite Internet was invented to teach me patience. It also teaches me that I'm one meteor shower away from complete and total isolation.


Lizabeth Johnson Phyl