naveen’s Favorites

dena rosenberg
denamite NYC is not *actually* a golf course, people. Use smaller umbrellas.
Joshua Green Allen
fireland Just found a Post-It wedged in my navel that says: "Lose weight and take more showers!!" OMG it's dated 4/24/05.
Mark Ghuneim
mediaeater "this is not a time for mediocrity" evolve or perish has never been truer. I love this climate. It is very Iggy "eat or be eaten, beat..
Anthony Volodkin
fascinated Asthmatic Kitty is selling Grampall Jookabox's album for price based on its Pitchfork review: $5.40 (for a 5.4):
Dennis Crowley
dens Just realized I can make crop circles in my rug if I walk on it just right (...and I just wasted 10 min doing just that. Heeeelloo, no job!)
Dennis Crowley
dens !um backstage at Girl Talk. where are we??? I am carrying a leaf blower
naveen Her: "What do you think I'm going to be famous for?" Me: "For wearing blue shirts really well."
roundrobin this kind of stuff is big in japan
roundrobin wireless energy transmission spot [break] Loading
Félix Fénéon
novelsin3lines A man of thirty-some years committed suicide in a hotel in Mâcon. "Do not attempt to find out my name," he had written.
karentempler I love the first clause of the latest @novelsin3lines post so much I'll be using it liberally: "There was talk of a pervert, but ..."
zoomn on demand: "Naveen, you really can explain things well!" -Blonde from @dens' ITP class.
naveen sometimes i feel like i'm looking for something that's not there
Venture Hacks
venturehacks Don't start a company if you're not willing to start another one if this one fails. You can't land on the moon with one shot.
Mark Ghuneim
mediaeater The local high-end bistro Pastis gave free champagne all day today and town houses I have regarded for decades unfurled flags for 1st time
naveen her: "where does the time go?" me: "into dreams"
naveen couldn't watch "dark knight" earlier this week. had to return tickets. reason given on the refund slip when asked why: "i'm batman"
dodgeball I'm so ronery. Who misses me?


Jack Dorsey Biz Stone Evan Williams wubbahed Dennis Crowley Noah danah boyd Mr Messina Scott Beale Michael Young Dave Winer i heart quotes Alex Rainert Andrew Parker Amit superamit Gupta jcn Jennifer Bove John Gruber Anil Dash molly evan cordes Jeffrey Zeldman Micawave Han Yu Mike Essl slavin Darth Vader Nate Westheimer Joshua Green Allen JoshuaKeay Chad Stoller Joi Ito danny wen hotdogsladies Allison Mooney Abhay Kumar
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