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I'm tiring of open source panels AS open source panels. there are no 'closed source' panels. mix us in with the rest already
6:30 train in this morning; 6:45 train home tonight. need sleep, eat - maybe not in that order
@bryanfromboston of course, though right now it's really just a bunch of folks drinking at Bar10 in the Westin. no real organization.
tweetup bar10 #gilbane downstairs
philosophies of identity, public private lives, perceptions, personal brands and corporate brands - good discussion but very vague #gilbane
panel has now morphed into 'what is the value of' twitter, facebook, linkedin, etc #gilbane
All these generalities about 'the young folks' drive me nuts. I'm 38 for christ sakes, and meet young folks who are NOT sharing #gilbane
danger of this descending into a 'kids share too much on the facebook' rant on the panel #gilbane
@ariherzog but I'm stretched to make the metaphor work - really all have their different strengths and weaknesses
@ariherzog and ning is frontierland at disneyworld - looks like wild west but isn't.
@ariherzog if drupal is wild wild west, Joomla is a set of ghost towns and tumbleweeds. just kidding, my joomla friends
but audience member pushes back - core doesn't scale. @jwhatcott - but it can. #gilbane
key distinction in drupal world: contrib is wild wild west, but core is vetted more carefully #gilbane
this panel is turning into an open source panel too - control, quality, power #gilbane
audience member refers to the drupal ecosystem as a bit of the wild wild west #gilbane
I apologize for using the word nicely twice in one tweet. But @jwhatcott is a nice guy. ;)
@jwhatcott nicely pulls the panel together via social publishing platform. panel and audience set drupal story up nicely. #gilbane
'one of the most successful open source software projects on earth' - #gilbane #drupal #acquia
answer came from the audience but I didn't hear what 'association management' platform was mentioned #gilbane


Evan Williams sara Sarah Milstein Livia Blaine Cook Rael Dornfest Sharon Jason Goldman veen danah boyd Rod Begbie seanbonner Xeni Jardin Wayne Sutton Ross Mr Messina Tara missrogue Hunt Brian Oberkirch Paul Terry Walhus Harper Dion Hinchcliffe J Chris Anderson Tim Kersey michael lambie Scott Beale Thomas Vander Wal Josh Bancroft Dave Winer GregElin Dan Cederholm Susan Scrupski Sooz James Walker Steve Ganz coffywoman Ruby Sinreich
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