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@jseiden that just sounds wierd man. What are you saying?
#jennywoo #helsinki with hot chicks and @spif @renn
@spif stop up de croquet in ye kont - Dinner with the Nokia co-creation people.
taking a ferry to suomelinnasomething. Water looks cold. Really cold!
Beer, beer and beer.
really interesting discussion with fellow w/s participants. So much fun!
Downtown helsingfors. love coming back here.
@kaeru in cab now. Dont know of any places unfort.
@kaeru if you hang around for about 90min I'll join you.
Boarded and ready to leave for Helsingfors. Thank god the other big guy was seated behind me. An airplane 2seat isnt made for 2 of us.
@daveIxD wow. big day. Big chapter to close. good luck!
Off to ARN to go to HEL
On topping of things for the Helsinki trip this weekend. Seems I'm constantly being pwnd by my kids and work these days
Bags packed. Leaving for a weekend in Helsingfors tomorrow afternoon. Bed, here come!
@tfriberg godnatt då, käre kamrat!
just started reading Designing Gestural Interfaces, pleasant read. Looking fwd to the rest of it. Two relevant projects at work.
How does "read a book" sound?


Dan Saffer Jonas Victor Lombardi Spif beep leisa Renato Valdés Olmos Adaptive Path Jorge Arango Kars Alfrink brandon schauer darja isaksson Jon David Armano neil clavin Mary Nolan Twitter Tomas Friberg Bruno Figueiredo Robert Hoekman, Jr. Johnny Mellgren Chris Bernard Jared M. Spool darryl ohrt Jeremy Yuille Tommy Sundström Tomas Seo David Malouf Marc Rettig Christina Wodtke Josh Seiden Janna DeVylder Dani Malik Bill DeRouchey Robert Barlow-Busch Anders Mellbratt