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@niubi Because Japan is a multiparty democracy! (That was a joke.} No, because it has US bases.
@fuzheado Elizabeth Warren is tearing Hank Paulson a new one for TARP
Many Americans say Americans don't torture. Wrong. Americans torture. Difference is America prosecutes torturers when they are caught.
@fuzheado Elizabeth Warren will be on Rachel Maddow show tonight.
My bottom line issue for Obama: must prosecute Bxsh admin officials for war crimes/torture. If he doesn't, I vote for someone else in 2012.
I think that Obama vastly overestimates his ability to bring left and right together.
Restoring China's national destiny:
@thijsjacobs Didn't you know that the Shanghainese are showing off their PJs? ;-)
Beginning to think Obama is unluckiest president-elect ever. Doesn't have ANY good options.
@calvinwuchin Whole problem is that the current institutions have lasted too long, dragging world down. People change too slow.
@calvinwuchin Don't think CN will ascend and I don't think US has another chance. Not enough time left for species. End of the line.
@pdenlinger Would be sad if the black guy got blame for failing to clean up mess... Awful scenario, even by my standards
F. Scott FitzGerald said American lives don't have a second act. Steve Jobs was the exception. Wonder if Obama can do same for country?
@DavidFeng Both are transition figures which mark end of an era
Question is whether O can create narrative all Americans will buy into as truly American. The way Reagan did. Tough sell
@calvinwuchin Agree. USA 2008 = USSR 1989 & Obama = Gorbachev. Twilight times.
@niubi All we need now is press release from Spitzer expressing his "disappointment and outrage" at being cheated by Madoff
Give me a friggin break! So how is US going to finance deficit? INFLATE! No other options available.


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