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@modernleifeng Indeed, my bad. The 3.3 Edition was the one that hires staff based on their ability to treat everyone but celebs like dreck.
@beijingboyce China Doll? Feh. Down with elitist Beijing nightclubs! Hold high the banners of friendly staff and flexible dress codes!
@niubi @DavidFeng Imagine a newspaper made up of stories of 140 chars or less... MicroJournalism?
My issue with GOOG is not whether they have smart ppl. It's this attitude they exude that they somehow have a monopoly on that resource.
RT @Scobleizer: Marissa Mayer of GOOG sez co. hires "smart ppl who get things done." EXACTLY the kind of ppl I like hanging with.
@lotay It is an honor, sir, to be your 400th follower. Congratulations!
Is Japan trying to drive a wedge between Taipei and Beijing? Check out Prof. Shimada's quote below the fold.
Help smooth things out with Alltop's http://conflictresolution.a...
Factory protests in the wake of economic crisis - in CHICAGO.
@suren_g I just look at Pakistan and I cannot for the life of me come up with a good answer. Which is why we need Iran more than ever.
Sanlitun is quiet. Too early for Xmas Xodus. Obviously the heavy drinkers are in Paris at LeWeb.
Did anybody else find Bob Lutz' protests that GM's problems were not the fault of executives just a tad disengenouous?
Find out why strangers may cheer you up and other sociology topics at
RT @steverubel: GMail adds a to-do list. About time!
@FonsTuinstra It's interesting stuff, but I'd argue that 100 is probably not a statistically significant sample for China's consumer pop.
Can anyone doubt now that Pakistan is a failed state? A failed state with nukes and large pockets of terrorsts? DuknCovr.
@christinelu More face than subtsance. AmCham value increasingly 4 SMBs entering China n 4 service firms hunting new clients fm among them.
@christinelu I like AmCham China, but remain leery of the true value of bizdev agreements between a CoC and muni Govs. Looks "feelgood."
@DavidFeng Def. I think USG sites hav 2 start with simplified, then do traditional. Also think they shd do other langs as well. Start w/CN.
@scottsykes BLOCKED? Bizarre. I'm here in The Saddle and it's accessible to me sans VPN. Methinks you've got an ISP issue at work...RSS it!


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