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@rael congrats on the move to twitter; thou I'm very very sad to see sandy disappear; hopefully it will have a quick come back in twitter
@random_person, why should I bother blogging anymore?
3rd up pumpkin muffins; soon to come pics of everything
BTW: all of my cooking/baking is vegan!!! Yeah!!!
Pumpkin pie done; pie crust done; next up: fresh organic apple pie
First up: fresh organic pumpkin pie (from scratch)
3 grocery stores later I'm finally ready to start baking
took the day off so I could bake my heart out for thankgiving - my most favorite holiday, first up apple pie
anybody have a invite they can spare?
I hate it when people call me by a similar name; Michael != Matthew
chilling out for the night, watching shows on hulu
it's hard to do your job when the tools you expect to work are broken :-( yeah, that's how my day is going.
I'm at Denver, CO (Denver, CO, USA) -
< resurfacing from a massive headache I've had all weekend -- to bad I can't reclaim these past two days
I'm at Littleton, CO (Littleton, CO, USA) -
I'm at Littleton, CO (Littleton, CO, USA) -
I'm at Littleton, CO (Littleton, CO, USA) -
I'm at Littleton, CO (Littleton, CO, USA) -
I'm at Littleton, CO (Littleton, CO, USA) -


Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Tara missrogue Hunt Sean Porter Dan Cederholm Lisa McMillan Molly E. Holzschlag Keith Tantek Çelik Hickensian Garrett Murray Richard Rutter Patrick Haney Aaron Gustafson Drew McLellan Beep. Julie Johnston luxuryluke Snook Jeff Smith Dan Rubin Veerle Pieters Mark Bixby Warren, Mr. Warren Brian Fling Sandy Ryan Irelan Geert Leyseele Matthew Oliphant Cameron Adams Melissa Faruk Ates Cody Marx Bailey Jeff Croft Grant Hutchinson Greg Storey
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