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@ayende I'm reading pragmatic flavor of the month with strawberry too
@pbacgrad thanks for the heads up on the dropcast, its rocking thanks @ReinH for making saturday work a bit easier
needing a sugar fix, "its an entamans" just popped in my brain
@jimzim nested resources, they said they can handle that, and since they use an object db, why not
@MichaelKramer ahh, well, good luck with that, there's always cross compiling some c# in to help you get around teh gross
@MichaelKramer I am thinking "huh, why the hell would you write vb code"
@stevehorn agreed, its one of those, just because you are on a boat, doesn't make you a sailor things
read the gu's new little teaser list. Is it because msbuild is ms, or is it supperior to nant
@bellware thank you, or at least make the number first, so that I can freaking key in the info on the card
@jeremydmiller load balance and tempdata, welcome to session
@schambers wher can I see, contrib to this, migrations are one of the biggest pains for us
@stevehorn if their opinion worked, and was founded in usage and the real world practicality, go for it, make the decisions easier
@SaraJChipps I also use ctrl+alt+p instead of F5, since I abore cassini, and would gladly shoot the inventor on the spot
@SaraJChipps learning new things is fun F7 rocks
@SaraJChipps thats one of my standby's, along with ctrl+space, ctrl+t, and ctrl+shift+b
@SaraJChipps ctrl+k,ctrl+d not working, if so, then there is a format issue with a tag usually
Rhe boy is in his room. Makes us very anxious. But he seems to tolerate extremely well
@jeremydmiller the hooking up of the html helpers in the view, automagic, or just statics and an @import? that would get me much further
anybody got opinionated mvc sample code? I really like the elevator pitch, but I can't figure out parts of it
@jeremydmiller trying to grok thunderdome, how do you handle conditional icons and such, helpers galore? is that really better than if


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