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@gradontripp You do realize that is a work of fiction right? Right?
@rlangdon Maverick and Goose have never steered anyone wrong.
@dasparky Try not to hurt yourself lugging that catalog around. Or were you speaking of the smaller one?
Designing my stay-at-home-dad Staff Holiday Party Invite. As the sole invitee (sorry, no spouses), I should have a v. easy to please client.
I have one and a half hours free for dinner. Anyone hungry?
@mark_hayward I think you call it no-collar. You can do it in your pjs. ;)
@greggrunberg is still available, I reckon you might want to snap that up. Could be fun.
@lamikey There's a children's book in there I'll bet. "A Bull Named Barack."
@acclimedia So under that rubric regurgitating a press release as a blog post would be what then? An unpaid sales pitch? Better or worse?
@lessallan If I knew how to do that, I'd monetize it.
I need a greasemonkey script that changes the word 'leveraging' into 'using'. Would lower my blood pressure at least 3 points.
@gradontripp First cassette I ever wore all the way through until it was unplayable. Profile Records.
@timeril I want names. And addresses.
RT @nonprofitnicole From past np training: "Sharepoint is where learning goes to die." #nptech
@sransom Was that scheduled for this week? Unfortunate as I have a mani-pedi appointment for this afternoon.
@lazuli It's the small things that count.
RT @darrylohrt: Charlie Brown as art director on the agency holiday card:


Biz Stone Evan Williams Rael Dornfest Josh Kopelman veen Jason Shellen Maggie Mason Buzz Andersen Chris Sacca om peterme Mr Messina Brian Oberkirch Scott Beale Erika Hall President Monteiro bryan mason Dan Patterson lane Michael Sippey Dan Cederholm Derek Powazek Stewart Butterfield Ben Brown John Tropea Mark Frauenfelder Chris Brogan Beth Kanter Becky McCray Brian Clark Doug Haslam Meg Hourihan Jeremy Keith Brian Solis Andre Torrez Hickensian
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