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With Sparks', watching Excaliber perform their Boulder Christmas Concert.
Testing some code that I had done on eLance. It's nice to let go and let other people code parts of a project.
At Sinton labs getting a tour of solar panel testing equipment with Margaret, with Freddy the dog running around like crazy.
Anyone know an online printshop that can publish&ship one-off color books from PDFs? With an API for submiting jobs? This must exist, right?
"What am I now that I was then? / May memory restore again and again / The smallest color of the smallest day"
Been hanging out with @crapshaw all morning at Pekoe Tea, talking of life, future of advertising, retrospective social media, etc
Delicious sushi dinner at archers with ramers, roberts, dundorfs. Current topic is "best book about poop".
Delicious sushi dinner at archers with ramers, roberts, dundorfs. Current topic is "best book about poop"
Dinner w/ Ryan and Debbie McClellan... and Maya and Keillor. Yumm!
Fun night of depressing Polish cinema w/ @thelanj. Now wishing I'd bought a snow scraper
Talking with Paul Ramer at Bookend. Economy, music biz, old photos, ... Good stuff!
Late night network tech support at parents' new townhouse in Ft. Collins. It's a "Happy Birthday" tech support for my Mom.
At Paul and Chara Ramer's awsome Christmas party in Eldo.
Yes, 930 is fine! (Phone seemed to crash when I sent respnse tweet last night...should have checked that it sent. Doh.)
Dinner w/ old friends Karyn & Steve (& Keaton James) for dinner and christmas tree decorating.
Reading Erika's play-by-play of Tuesday's Boulder Tech Meetup -
hanging at Folsom coffee with @wittytwit and @heathercapri, geeking out configuring dev environment on Mac. Giving it another shot
At Hapa post meetup. Seems everyone came..good crew cooking up twitter biz ideas.
at Boulder new tech meetup, just like old times. (Amazing how it keeps growing!)
My Mom asked how I could be a fan of open sores. No, that's open SOURCE, I explain.


Matt Galligan Kevin Cawley JohnBorthwick Daniel Newman joy Dan Lurie Ben Casnocha Condoleezza Rice Fraser Kelton Alex King Molly Dave Troy Akshay Java leafar David Cohen Steve Poland Arron Kallenberg David Henderson John Bacus Theron McCollough tikva morowati Leslie Osborne Andy Stanberry Casey Ponzi Pirillo robert reich Moritz Stefaner Andrew Weissman Ed Batista Alex Iskold Lijit Networks Jon Cianciullo Bruce Wyman Jason Lange Brad Feld Paul Salamone