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@_Lizzard Had you seen that video before?
@_Lizzard Same here. Right now it's a dilemma: Use our savings for a house down payment, or to go travel the world? Common sense vs. dreams.
@rustedshri At the still point of destruction, at the center of the fury, all the angels all the devils, all around us, can't you see?
@Pistachio Seems to be down -- I can't get to the site.
@EverywhereTrip Dreamed about doing what you're doing, sadly. Sounds like you had an excellent day!
@AndyAE I like the 'nostalgic' comment. I've been touring the world by atlas since I was a kid. Need to do the real thing... w/a sponsor. :)
Bill's reaction on seeing "Where the Hell is Matt?": silence for a few seconds, then, "Want to burn everything and go?" Why, yes, I do.
Me: I have a sudden need to watch Matt dance. Bill: Huh? Me: You've never seen it? Bill: No. Me: Good god, man, come here!
Glee! WhiteKnight Two made its maiden flight today! (via /.) No news on the Scaled Composites or Virgin Galactic sites.
We're going to Casa Bonita. Why? Same reasons anyone goes to Casa Bonita: because we have kids and family wanted to go. Wish us luck.
TEDstravaganza, 7pm tonight, our place. Theme: Great stories of our humanity.
RT @timoreilly Lovely: the Google Street View prank (via joneilortiz on Friendfeed)
Oh, hello. I've been watching TED talks for the past few hours. Will I be able to sleep, or is my brain going too fast now? We'll see.
@GeekMommy Exactly. Also, then it's not a conversation or even a relationship - just a single act of commerce.
@GeekMommy Most importantly (to me), I am not a consumer.
@rustedshri It's going pretty well. I'm finding I know more Chinese than I thought...which is still not much.
@rustedshri The fact that I sort of forget about Christmas until, oh, December 20 doesn't help my shopping-around any, either.
@rustedshri I'm not worried about bruises; I just don't like people. And I can never decide on what to get anyone. Good shops here, though.
@rustedshri Tomorrow, hanging out with family then hosting TEDstravaganza. Sunday, not much. Probably should buy presents, but dreading it.
@rustedshri We checked out some houses today, incl. a foreclosure. Could tell they weren't happy about it. Made the economic news... real.


Xeni Jardin Scott Beale Vinu Beth Kanter Jeremiah Jeff K. Gary Arndt Kit Seeborg Jim Turner Andrew Maverick Hyde Wil Wheaton Gaurav Sikka Tim O'Reilly Peter Shankman Ankesh Kothari Bruce Wyman Laura Fitton Anne P. Mitchell Esq Lucretia M. Pruitt Jeremy Tanner Amy Gahran Peter Jones Marko Ahtisaari Ronald Lewis BNO News Clay Shirky Uditvanu Das Angsuman Chakraborty Diane Lockman Marcia Conner tarable Dave Taylor Rob McNealy Tom Vilot WiteekChris simplywrite