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I think "Ponzi scheme" should be renamed "Madoff scheme".
@dan_mcweeney I routinely don't respond to email :)
#OFM is Ford's outreach to twitter community. Have a thought on the failout bill?
@jbminn let me check with the schedule master and get back to you
@mmasnick @wingedpig I'm not sure but I think this may put the bacon weave to shame.
@Pistachio I think it is interesting is how we have accepted the need for many many communication channels in our lives as opposed to just 1
@Pistachio dunno, I often use the example of implementing email in 1995 and having to overcome "we're a voicemail company".
@Pistachio good question but it was 25 years before it mainstreamed in the private sector from when it was invented
and that was from his website
Clients know Bernard Madoff has a personal interest in maintaining the unblemished record of value, fair-dealing, and high ethical standards
need new headphones for my iphone (that I can use with the phone), any recommendations? No bluetooth please, not for me.
@jbminn I bow to your all seeing abilities
@devahaz I knew it, didn't you? I also predicted the market collapse, housing contraction, $GM failout, and the Madonna divorce.
blogged today: The Delicate Nature of Trust and Brands at
Things are really bad when NASCAR and Formula 1 are cutting costs. Honda pulled out of F1 last week.


Ross om Dave McClure Michael Parekh Dion Hinchcliffe Kevin Cawley Susan Scrupski Scott Hussein Rafer Peter Kazanjy Stowe Boyd Jevon Pat john merrells Brian Solis greg cohn George W John Gruber Ben Casnocha cote Jeremy Pepper Kevin Marks Craig Cmehil James Governor donl dan mcweeney Jeremiah Dennis Howlett Darth Vader Paul Walsh Brent Simmons Chris Saad Sarah Perez bartd Steve Rubel David Orban Charlie Wood
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